Six years after signing up for BRI, Nepal still struggling to comprehend  what China wants - The Hindu

Hey there, folks! Anderson Cooper here, and today we’re delving into a puzzle that’s been baffling Nepal for six long years. It’s a story of ambitious plans, dashed hopes, and a nation left scratching its head. Let’s break it down and see what’s going on.

The Journey Begins: Nepal Joins China’s BRI

It was a moment of anticipation and potential when Nepal hopped aboard China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) six years ago. This grand vision promised to link nations, foster economic growth, and pave the way for collaboration. But here’s the twist: as time went on, Nepal found itself in a perplexing situation, struggling to grasp the true intentions of its ambitious neighbor.

The Missing Pieces: Unfulfilled Projects and Unclear Aims

Fast forward to today, and Nepal’s involvement in the BRI has left many scratching their heads. Despite the promises and proposals, the projects mentioned under this framework have yet to see the light of day within Nepal’s borders. It’s like a puzzle with missing pieces, leaving everyone wondering when and how the grand vision will materialize.

A Label That Adds to the Confusion

As if things weren’t puzzling enough, China threw a curveball by labeling a project as part of the BRI that had already been in motion before Nepal even signed up for the initiative. It’s as if someone suddenly switched up the rules of the game, leaving Nepal even more confused about what exactly Beijing is aiming for. This move only deepened the mystery surrounding China’s intentions.

Searching for Clarity: Nepal’s Dilemma

So, you might be wondering, what does Nepal make of all this? Well, folks, it’s safe to say that Nepal finds itself in a state of bewilderment. With no concrete projects to show for its six-year involvement in the BRI, the nation is left grappling with questions. What does China want? What are the actual benefits? Is this partnership truly a two-way street?

The “Silk Roadster” Approach: China’s Soft Power Tools

To add another layer to this intricate puzzle, China is rolling out its “Silk Roadster” approach. It’s all about employing soft power tools to further its influence. But what does that mean for Nepal? Well, it’s a bit like trying to decipher a complex riddle. These tools, whether they involve cultural exchange or economic incentives, add yet another layer of complexity to the already mystifying situation.

The Path Ahead: Seeking Answers and Clarity

As Nepal continues to navigate this uncertain landscape, there’s one thing that’s certain: the nation’s determination to seek answers. While the pieces of this puzzle might not fit perfectly just yet, Nepal’s commitment to unraveling the mystery and finding its place within the BRI framework remains steadfast.


Ladies and gentlemen, in a world where collaborations and partnerships shape the course of nations, the story of Nepal and the BRI serves as a reminder that even the grandest plans can face roadblocks and confusion. As Nepal persists in its quest for understanding and progress, let’s hope that the puzzle pieces eventually fall into place, revealing a clearer picture of what lies ahead.

This is Anderson Cooper, urging you to stay curious and keep asking the tough questions, for it’s through understanding that we can truly navigate the complexities of our world. Until next time, take care.