George Floyd's killing capped years of violence, discrimination by Minneapolis  police, says U.S. Justice Dept - The Hindu

The killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis served as a chilling wake-up call that shed light on the longstanding issues of violence, discrimination, and systemic injustice within the city’s police department. The U.S. Justice Department recently released a comprehensive report after conducting a thorough two-year investigation, which confirmed the grievances expressed by many Minneapolis citizens following Floyd’s tragic death. This article aims to delve into the findings of this report and shed light on the persistent problems faced by racial minorities, the violation of constitutional rights, and the disregard for the safety of individuals in police custody by the Minneapolis police force.


  1. Introduction
  2. Background of George Floyd’s Killing
  3. The U.S. Justice Department’s Investigation
  4. Systematic Discrimination Against Racial Minorities
  5. Violation of Constitutional Rights
  6. Disregard for the Safety of People in Custody
  7. Excessive and Unjustified Use of Force
  8. Public Outcry and Citizen Complaints
  9. Police Reform Efforts
  10. Community Engagement and Activism
  11. Role of Body Cameras and Accountability
  12. Training and Education Initiatives
  13. Legislative Measures and Policy Changes
  14. The Way Forward
  15. Conclusion


The tragic killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis, Minnesota, sparked outrage and ignited a global movement against racial injustice and police brutality. While the incident itself was harrowing, it served as a catalyst for exposing the deep-rooted problems within the Minneapolis police department, leading to a comprehensive investigation by the U.S. Justice Department.

Background of George Floyd’s Killing

George Floyd, an unarmed African American man, died on May 25, 2020, when a Minneapolis police officer, Derek Chauvin, kneeled on his neck for over nine minutes during an arrest. The incident, captured on video by a bystander, circulated widely, triggering widespread protests and demands for justice.

The U.S. Justice Department’s Investigation

Following George Floyd’s killing, the U.S. Justice Department launched an extensive investigation into the Minneapolis police department. Over the course of two years, the probe examined numerous cases, reviewed evidence, and conducted interviews to ascertain the nature and extent of the issues within the department.

Systematic Discrimination Against Racial Minorities

The Justice Department’s report revealed a deeply troubling pattern of systematic discrimination against racial minorities by the Minneapolis police force. Officers disproportionately targeted and mistreated individuals based on their race, leading to a significant erosion of trust between law enforcement and marginalized communities.

Violation of Constitutional Rights

The investigation found compelling evidence that the Minneapolis police department routinely violated the constitutional rights of citizens. This included cases where individuals were subjected to unwarranted searches, seizures, and arrests without probable cause, as well as the use of excessive force.

Disregard for the Safety of People in Custody

The report highlighted the negligence and disregard for the safety of individuals in police custody. The Minneapolis police force failed to provide adequate medical attention, resulting in tragic consequences and unnecessary loss of life.

Probe finds Minneapolis police repeatedly violated rights - Los Angeles  Times

Excessive and Unjustified Use of Force

The U.S. Justice Department’s investigation confirmed numerous instances of excessive and unjustified use of force by Minneapolis police officers. This included incidents where officers deployed violent tactics, including chokeholds and other forms of physical restraint, without reasonable cause or justification.